Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Welcome to my Blog!

Lots of great things happening here!


Anonymous said...

Hello Sabrina!

Anonymous said...

wow! this looks terrific!

Anonymous said...

Chris, your photos are amazing! I tried to leave comments under Santa Monica but don't have a blog page. That might happen to others who want to leave comments. Is there a way people could leave e-mail addresses with their comments or is it only blogs?
We are very impressed with your work - keep it coming!

Sabrina said...

Thanks Grandma, I had dad fix it right away.

If you want to leave an e-mail address just type it at the end of your post.

Anonymous said...

This is great with the clever pictures at the top. Does this page and your photo of the week page go from bottom to top or vice versa? It seems they could go either way.
Keep up the wonderful pictures!